Sandra Costa Design Group -

Telefon: 08743739.
Site web:
Specialități: Designer de interior, Service establishment.
Alte date de interes: Se identifică drept companie deținută de o femeie, Este necesară programarea.
Opinii: Această companie are 22 recenzii pe Google My Business.
Opinie medie: 4.8/5.

Locația de Sandra Costa Design Group

Sandra Costa Design Group este un grup de design interioar care se distinge prin stilul si profesionalismul lor. Cu adresa str. Mihai Viteazul nr. 12, Timisoara 300085, telefonul 08743739, si website-ul, aceasta companie ofera servicii de design interioar si stabilire de service, oferind o experienta unică pentru clienții lor.

Sandra Costa Design Group se identifică ca o companie deținută de o femeie, demonstrând un angajament puternic față de promovarea femeilor în afaceri. Este necesară programarea în avans pentru a putea beneficia de serviciile lor, deoarece echipa lor este foarte solicitata.

Cu 22 de recenzii pe Google My Business și o medie de opinie de 4.8/5, este clar că Sandra Costa Design Group este apreciat de către clienții lor. Această companie a reușit să impresioneze prin creativitatea și calitatea serviciilor lor, transformând spațiile locuințelor și spațiilor comerciale în locații distinctive și plăcute.

În ceea ce privește caracteristicile lor, Sandra Costa Design Group este cunoscut pentru abordarea personalizată a fiecărui proiect, știind că fiecare client are nevoi și dorințe diferite. Aceștia pun accent pe echilibrul dintre estetica și funcționalitatea spațiilor, creând soluții de design practice și atractive.

Odată ce ai descoperit Sandra Costa Design Group, este recomandat să contactezi echipa lor prin website-ul lor pentru a programă o consultare și a discuta despre proiectul tău. Aceștia îți vor oferi un serviciu profesionist și personalizat, care va transforma spațiul tău într-un loc mai plăcut și funcțional.

Recomandarea finală: Dacă ești în căutarea unui designer de interioar care să se distingă prin stil și profesionalism, Sandra Costa Design Group este o alegere excelentă. Cu o medie de opinie de 4.8/5 și 22 de recenzii pe Google My Business, este evident că această companie este apreciată de către clienții lor. Te recomandăm să contactezi Sandra Costa Design Group prin website-ul lor pentru a discuta despre proiectul tău și a experimenta personal calitatea lor.

Recenzii pentru Sandra Costa Design Group

Sandra Costa Design Group -
Barbara Niven

Sandra Costa is such a gift! Her talent and impeccable taste have transformed the two homes I have had her design for me. But her magic is more than that. She somehow turns what is usually a stressful process into a fun, positive and creative experience. Sandra and her team are literally a one-stop shop because they do everything from start to finish. She works with your budget, and the results are extraordinary.

I first hired her twenty years ago when I bought a house that needed remodeling, furniture and other design elements. She oversaw every part of the process, plus she took me out shopping and we found stunning, out-of-the box design elements that turned it into a showcase! We bought that house for about $725,000 and within ten months we took an offer for well over a million dollars for it.

Last year I was thinking of remodeling my current home, and Sandra and her team came up with an incredible architectural design and plan. But I ultimately decided that instead of remodeling, I would buy somewhere else. I have now found a new home and purchased it, but there are many design elements that don't fit me. So, I have hired Sandra again. She is now helping me with every detail... flooring, colors, furniture, and special indoor and outdoor design surprises that I would never be able to put together on my own. With Sandra's expertise I am creating my new dream home.

Sandra's best gift though is her huge heart and personality. She loves what she does, and she loves the people she works with. I feel entirely safe with her. She "got me" immediately the first time around twenty years ago, and she's proving that wasn't a fluke. The process is going great so far, and she actually is saving me money too as we transform this new property. I can't recommend her highly enough. Thank you so much Sandra!!!

Sandra Costa Design Group -
Lesley Soo

Sandra is a amazing decorating genius decorating our homes in Hong Kong Vancouver and Bahamas Sandra has created exciting and timeless spaces with lots of suprises that only she could delight us with more than we expected We look forward to doing more work together Lesley Soo exciting and timeless

Sandra Costa Design Group -
Mojgan York

I rarely feel compelled to write a review of any kind, but in this case, it is my pleasure to do so. We have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Sandra Costa for several years now. Our first professional encounter with her was for our beautiful beach front property in Malibu, California which she designed and furnished completely. It was featured in local publications and to this day stands as a showcase property.
We were so delighted with the results that we asked her to revamp and set up our daughter’s suite in our home a while later. That work, also, surpassed our expectations. She is now commissioned for a major remodeling and refurnishing of our Brentwood Park home which is a historical structure from the glorious Hollywood era. We can’t wait to see her magnificent vision for us and the end product that will most certainly be wow-worthy.
Throughout the years we have met with many designers who have been well-known in their field, but none have had the combination of talent, patience, and efficiency that Sandra possesses. The icing on the cake is Sandra’s great sense of humor that makes the entire process much more fun and engaging for her clients.

Sandra Costa Design Group -

I have known Sandra Costa for over 15 years both as a professional designer and personal friend. Sandra is serious when on the job and still manages to keep the crew (that I have seen ) happy while working. I have seen many of the projects she designs and am always impressed to see the fabrics she buys from my showroom turn into master piece creations. I will always recommend Sandra Costa for design projects and for people looking for a designer who understand the many nationalities in USA and personal needs . 2018
Soraya Reyhani

Sandra Costa Design Group -
Matteo Bitetti

After receiving my Masters Degree in Interior Architecture, Sandra hired me as her senior designer. Together, we worked on all types of high level projects -- both residential and commercial. I learned so much from Sandra and I can honestly say given her talent and versatility, that she is absolutely the best in her field. I know that I can count on Sandra when I need advice on one thing or another and she is always there with an innovative solution. I am very lucky that I have her in my life! Thank you Sandra for everything!!!!
Best Regards,
Matteo Bitetti

Sandra Costa Design Group -
Andy Bales

Sandra and her team are amazing to work with. They are uber talented and incredibly resourceful. They helped us create a program for our Masterplaned community in Florida. We will continue using them for years to come. They are an important part of our team.

Sandra Costa Design Group -

Was my joy to work with Sandra, a great professional herself, she also has a strong team of associates. Flexible approach, great design, innovative concepts. Highly recommended.

Sandra Costa Design Group -
Thomas Cohen

Sandra's design abilities, material selection and application are second to none. Whether to be a contemporary project or a refined traditional style, Sandra and her team of professionals are top notch.

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